Master Sam


Rev. Dr. Grand-Master
Samuel T Robertson IV, DD, P.h.D,
Borne June 29, 1978
Grand Master Samuel T Robertson IV, was awarded his Doctor of Philosophy in Martial Arts Ph.D. at the International University San Diego with a Doctor of Philosophy with a Major in Martial Arts Science.
The US Grandmasters Council recognizes Dr. Sam As A Grandmaster of 8th Dan. Master Sam was certified 8th-degree Black Belt Instructor by World black belt Burea.
Dr, Sam is recognized as the 4th Dan Master by the Kukkiwan in Soul Korea, under (Dan number 5913069) He is recognized as the 2nd Dan Hapkido under WBBB/ WAMAS/AFOKMA.
Master Robertson is a two-time Texas State champion from 1996 - 1997. And served on the Texas tae kwon do team. He is also a champion In many smaller tournaments in the DFW area. Master Robertson has been teaching Martial arts for over 25 years and has been training in martial arts for 37 years.
Master Robertson has promoted Many black belts and Masters and many state champions. He is the founder of AIOKMA, AIOKMA DO, Combat Tae Kwon Do, and the LightLotus Martial Arts Society.
Outside of Tae Kwon Do Maser Robertson is a Pro singer, computer repairman, certified fireman/ former Paramedic, a certified firefighter instructor, and fireman. He is also an overseas deployed Veteran of the United States Marine Corps. He is a youth pastor and licensed ordained chaplain and Minster of the fire service. He was awarded his Doctor of Divinity by Yha's Tabernacle of Praise and Worship. He is an Ordained Minister/ Parise and worships Leader.
He is a former student of Navarro College where he studied pre-nursing and pre-hospital emergency care and received his paramedicine training. He studied Praise and Worship at Christion Leaders College and counting his ministry training in Bachelor of Ministry currently. Master Sam took piano and Guitar, photography, and art painting at TCC.
Master Robertson grew up all around the D.F.W. area he graduated from Waco High School in 1998. While earning most of his credits at Keller High School and L.D. Bell high school. He is rooted in Dallas’s pleasant grove and stops in six Fort Worth stop six areas where he attend public school and lived. Later Dr. Robertson's adolescence was spent in Keller Texas and in N. Richland Hills attending most of his High schooling and middle school in Keller Texas and finally graduating in Waco from Waco High School.
Master Robertson is a well-balanced martial artist. He has studied grappling throws and takedowns with wrist locks and throws with Hapkido, Tang soo Do, Moo Duk Kwan TKD, and most traditional weapons. Other martial arts Dr. Robertson has studied are traditional kung fu, Ishan Ru karate, kendo, judo, jujitsu, Kempo, tai chi, American karate, tang soo do, and line Traning/hand-to-hand combat, Street fighting, boxing, wrestling, kickboxing.
-He is 12 Khia in Muay Thia under Wesley Chan.
-He has crossed trained in: Shaolin Kung Fu (tiger) black sash under Sefu Wu Qua Kung and Master Tam Tham Pham 2007
-Aikido 1st Dan under Master Tam Tham Pham 3rd Dan and Grandmaster Phu Van Quang 8th Dan Aikido
-Tang Soo Do 4th Dan under World Asian martial arts School (WAMAS). 2nd Dan Hapkido under Grandmaster Quang Kung Chn 7th Dan Hapkido Grandmaster
Dr. Sam is recognized as Grandmaster Under FROMA, LIGHT Lotus Martial Arts Society, and recognized under the World Asian Martial Arts School and the World black belt Bureau and the American Federation of Korean Martial Arts. U.S. Grandmasters Council.

Those that Tought and Mentored Dr. Sam

Grand Master Park Hee Deok (Eagle Park) was GM. Sergio Chavez Moreno and GM Jorge Puricelli Grandmaster. Who are Master's Sam Grandmasters.

1982 GM. Sergio Chavez Moreno 9th Dan Kukkiwan. Was the 1st to teach Dr. Sam only after his father. He taught Dr. Sam at age 5. GM Sergios GrandMaster Was GM Eagle Park. Who was the Grand Champion that beat out all the Masters in the DFW. G.M. Is prestigious. He is an Author and well known in his country. He taught the Olympic Tae Kwon Do team in Mexico. Gm Sergio Grand Master was Grand Master Park Hee Deok (Eagle Park)

1995 - 2002 GM Jorge Puricelli Tested Dr. Sam for his 1st back belt and second Dan. Placing-him in the Kukkiwan. Gm Jorge trained With GM Sergio Chavez Moreno and Trained Dr. Sam's Father who trained Dr. Sam at home. Gm George founded American Academy of Tae Kwon Do, And a successful Pizza shop. He is an Air craft Mechanic.

2002 - 2004 GM Won Chick Park made Dr Sam a brach school Instructor and trained him to run a Martial art school. He trained him with proper Korean Tae Kwon Do polishing him as a true Black belt.

2005 - Present my 3rd -10 dan is under The late Grandmaster Kang Rhee founder the World Black Belt Bureau. Gm Rhee also certified Dr. Sam as a Martial Arts Instructor as well as certified my founding style of AIOKMA DO. He also titled Dr. Sam as Master and Grandmaster. now GM's Rhee's son GM Young Rhee manages Dr. Sam's promotions With WBBB.

2001- 2021 Dr. Sam earned his 4th - 6th Dan with Gm Henderson under GM Khan Rhee with Dys and WBBB

2007 GM Tham Pham certified and tested Master Sam with Tang soo do, Kung Fu, Hapkido and Aikido. He is with World Asian Martial Arts School. He is a Multi Master of many styles. Polished and tested Dr. Sam.

2007 Wesley Chan trained and tested Dr. Sam in Muay Thai where he was given the equivalent of Black belt Titled 12 Khia

2022 Gm Dr. George Petrotta, P.h.D Tested Dr. Sam for HIs 4th Dan Kukkiwan making Master Sam A International Master out of Korea it self.

2008 Dr. Sam tested for his Blue Belt in BJJ under L. Everett holder of a Black Black Belt in BJJJ